I found it interesting to read that...
I found it interesting to read that…
The life of paleolithic was more limited by nature than by human society. That is, Paleolithics needed nature to in order to survive. Is from nature that they obtained food, shelter, clothing, all the sustenance necessary to survive during that time. This is all opposite of what we are experiencing now. In the present, human beings are more tied to tyranny and human oppression. If we don't work, we don't eat. In Chapter 1 we had the opportunity to see how agriculture brought with it many positive things, but it also brought inequality and injustice. A clear example is the fact of having to work hard and receive few benefits. Many people are exploited by having to work during long hours in the sun. Others have to work two shifts a day. In the end, labor is very cheap, poorly paid.
Another fact that caught my attention is gender equality during that time. Scientist Richard Lee described this equality as "Relative equality between the sexes with no-one having the upper hand."
The book talks about a study of the San people who were a surviving gathering and hunting society, in Africa. It was found that women provided 70% of the diet while men only provided 30%. This is because women, not having to go hunting (work that men did), had to find something else to eat. Many times hunting did not provide much, so women began collecting plants which was also necessary for food. This form of teamwork gave women an advantage during that time.
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