Extra credit

Our rights and responsibilities as human beings would be to stop a little to be able to breathe. To be able to breathe actually! Stop acting like air is running out on this planet, without thinking, without feeling, just being objects of despair and confusion. Think about breathing as a privilege rather than a right. Society has made us believe that we are prisoners but we don’t. We still have that privilege of being alive.

I like the way you bring this topic up in conversation “enjoy your breath, appreciate your breath, thank your breath”.

How difficult it is to be able to let go of this system of things! This system forces us to think that we should be all the same; thoughts, races, ideas, social status. The problem is that the world is stamped, it is diverse. The fact that someone comes out and shows their difference is reason enough to start a war. Everything that we have around us, television, telephone, radio, throw ideas that we propose to imitate in order to achieve everything we dream of.

Who said that we cannot achieve anything by being ourselves? Without taking the same path that the other person followed to reach a goal. Taking time to breathe also makes us understand that we are all different and that is why it is often necessary to do different things. Being different  is not bad, it is being original, yourself. If it is true that opting for different paths than the ones the world talks about makes us work much more to achieve our dreams, but that does not make it impossible. That idea of ​​ceasing to be oneself is what keeps us tied always. Wanting to look like others binds us in a cruel way and takes away that privilege of breathing. 

We have to work hard, as we know how to do it ourselves,

We have to think and act according to our own conscience,

We must stop following lost crowds,

We have to be ourselves, 

only then we will come to feel that we can actually breathe.


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