Sarita accepted the challenge!

 “The first half of the 2ndmillennium AD marked a period of rebirth in China that was just as significant as the Renaissance in Europe.”

I know that both China and Europa have had an equally important period of rebirth. What puts Europe at an advantage was that its renaissance spread throughout almost all of Europe which brought changes in ways of thinking. These are two things that did not happen in China.


  1. Hi Teresa,

    I accept your challenge!

    I noticed that at the same time that the "renaissance spread throughout almost all of Europe" brought changes in their ways of thinking, China was also experiencing its rebirth and becoming smarter. For instance, during the Song dynasty (960-1279) in China, they started using paper money. Imagine how that alone transformed the way they were thinking and the way they were living and trading with each other.

    Therefore, I defend that both, China and Europe, changed the ways of thinking during the period of rebirth - 1000 - 1500 AD.

    1. China's renaissance did not seem to extend. I see China made important contributions during its rebirth but they were not as recognized as the renaissance in Europe.
      The Renaissance In Europe was the result of the spread of the ideas of humanism, which determined a new conception of man and the world.

      Thanks for replying to my statement!!!


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