Chap 21
What changes did communist regimes bring to the lives of women?
The Communist government declared complete legal and political equality for women in the Soviet Union. Marriage between freely consenting adults became a civil practice. As with abortion, divorce was legalized and made easier.
Abolition of illegitimacy
Females were no longer to bear the surnames of their husbands
Pregnancy leave was required for the working women
Women have been actively mobilized as workers in the push towards industrialization in the country
The party established a special organization called Zhenotdel (Women's Department), whose radical leaders, all women, pushed a decidedly feminist agenda in the 1920s by organizing women's conferences, training women to run day-care centers and medical clinics, publishing women's newspapers and magazines, providing literacy and prenatal classes, and encouraging Muslim women to take off their veils
In China, the 1950 marriage law was a direct attack on patriarchal and confucian traditions, which decreed free marriage choice
Divorce was easier
It was the end of concubinage and child marriage
Widows obtained permission to remarry
Equal property right for women
The Communist Party of China also established a Women's Union, a mass organization that included millions of women, even though its leadership was less revolutionary than Zhenotdel's.
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