Chapter 23

In what way(s) do you see the historical developments described in this chapter continuing to evolve in our world today? 

Global Warming

“Among the distinctive features of the twentieth century, none has been more pronounced than humankind’s growing ability to alter the natural order and the mounting awareness of this phenomenon.” (Strayer, 1052). The article “Is it Time to Embrace Anthropocene” by Ganesh Chakravarthi talks about a new stage on Earth in which human beings have been responsible for destroying natural resources bringing devastating climatic changes on Earth. (Chakravarthi, 2020). 

Among the main factors that have caused the planet Earth to deteriorate are population growth, fossil fuels and the idea of ​​economic growth "development". All this has led to an ecological disaster that today is being one of the main problems in humanity.

The most critical and intractable environmental challenge of recent decades has been the global warming.” (Strayer, 1054). Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. An increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere(especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes). Although some people believe it’s fake or natural others believe that human carbon emissions are connected. Today this is a big area of political tension. Worldwide scientific consensus that the increased burning of fossil fuels and the loss of trees have begun to warm the Earth's atmosphere artificially and significantly, causing climate change and leading to possibly catastrophic results if the problem is not addressed.

Fortunately, like others seeking to be heard, there are environmental groups (modern environmentalism) that have raised their voices in order to fight against global warming. Thanks to these voices, many changes have been made, but we still have to continue working. 

According to experts, our planet is not evolving naturally. Thanks to human beings, our planet is having accelerated negative changes such as floods, warming, pollution, etc. These accelerated changes are what make us see that we are in a different time. So instead of continuing to act normally in the face of such a big problem, we have to act immediately. That is why accepting the Anthropocene epoch would be a way to change our future. As Chakravarti (2020) said “The Anthropocene is a paradigm shift in the human mindset.”. This model would not only help people to accept that we are already living in another era in which it is necessary to act immediately and would also help to create awareness in people.

The response that humanity is having to such an acceptable idea is what shows how the story will continue. Accepting the Anthropocene epoch as one more option to combat climate change would be a good idea. It only remains for me to say that I hope that the voices of people who have fought for a better future will continue to exist as before.

Diplomat, G. C. (2020, February 12). Is It Time to Embrace the Anthropocene? Retrieved from

Strayer, R. W., & Nelson, E. (2019). Ways of the world: A brief global history with sources. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins.


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