
Showing posts from June, 2020

Replying to Armine's post on question 9.

Educated Elite on page 815 I was thinking about commenting on this picture. It seems interesting how Afro Asian scholars are dressed in European Clothing right?  This image demonstrates a new social level. These studied people acquired European ideas, ways of thinking, language, etc. Unfortunately, even with everything and their knowledge, they could not be accepted as deserving of important positions. After finishing their studies, many people were left without a job and this was due to the fact that the Europeans did not offer positions in which clearly these people could practice but due to pride and racism they were not given the opportunity. At this time the social class differences began to be highlighted. Women were never considered important. I think that's why we don't see any in the photo.

Colonial Violence in the Congo (p.803)

9) Chapter 18 contains some powerful images. Why do you suppose Strayer chose to include these specific images? Strayer uses these images because they represent Europe in Chapter 18. Every time you see a powerful image it causes a strong feeling. That is what Strayer wanted to demonstrate, the reality and the feeling of the people in each historical event.  How do they illustrate concepts introduced in this chapter? Each image illustrates each event that made history.  The concepts are varied. But each illustration managed to demonstrate how society began to be different. We see people at a high economic level and at the same time we manage to perceive who was affected, the lower class. Among the images we can also see middle class people, the students. In summary Strayer managed to teach us the reality that was perceived at that time.     Colonial Violence in the Congo (p.803)      These young boys...

Summer World History (module 7).

1) What was The Great Dying? Cite examples and details from the historical record in your response. Could this be considered a genocide? Why/ why not? The great dying is when native American peoples came into contact with diseases in Europe and Africa. Is the destruction of Native American populations carried over from Europe by diseases. Because the Indians had never been exposed to diseases like small pox and measles in Europe, they had no exposure to them and therefore died. Many died from the plague, and many others died of hunger. They could not get up to search for food, and everyone else was too sick to care for them, so they starved to death in their beds.  Due to the plague Native America population decreased by 90 percent of the population.  Central Mexico, was estimated with a population of 10 t0 20 million before the Spanish arrival conquest, declining to about 1 million by 1650. It could be more of a genocide. In almost the entire book I have seen that the Europea...

Chapter 15

Why did Christianity take hold in some places more than in others? Christianity just ended up in areas where European settlements already existed. Places like China and Islam already had religions of their own and were doing well with them, so they rejected them. Christianity most easily rooted areas of colonial rule, and region where culture and religion had yet to be developed. It struggled to dominate in regions with stable, firmly established societies and religions, because people did not have a need for a new religion customs and literacy.

Chapter 14

What was distinctive about the Atlantic slave trade? What did it share with other patterns of slave owning and slave trading? (Page 622).  Atlantic slave trade had many distinctive features including the enormous scale of slave traffic; the centrality of slavery in the economies of colonial America; and the prevalence of slave labor in plantation farming. There was a distinctive racial dimension as slavery in the Atlantic was fully identified with Africa and "blackness." Also distinguishing was the treatment of slaves as a form of dehumanized property, without any rights in the society of their owners; and the practice of slave status was passed down over generations, with little hope of eventual freedom for the great majority. The fact that American slaveholding took place in the only society is particularly ironic, with the possible exception of ancient Greece, which affirmed values of human freedom and equality while allowing widespread slavery. But slave trade in the Atla...

Chapter 13

What enable Europeans to carve out huge empires an ocean away from their homelands? (Pag 554) Europeans were extremely motivated to build more empires. They did a lot of trading which enabled a profit and transportation of human and material resources. When the Europeans were on the go, they became much closer to the Americas than Asians. The Asians were highly competitive with the Europeans, but the Europeans had the upper hand due to distance.  Geography offers a point of departure for describing American empires in Europe. Countries on Europe's Atlantic rim (Portugal, Spain, Britain and France) were merely closer to the Americas than any possible competitors in Asia. In addition the Atlantic's set winds blow constantly in the same direction. If these air currents were understood and perfected, they provided a dramatically different maritime climate than the Indian Ocean's alternating monsoon winds, under which Asian forces had long operated.  Europe's advances in nav...

Extra credit

Our rights and responsibilities as human beings would be to stop a little to be able to breathe. To be able to breathe actually! Stop acting like air is running out on this planet, without thinking, without feeling, just being objects of despair and confusion. Think about breathing as a privilege rather than a right. Society has made us believe that we are prisoners but we don’t. We still have that privilege of being alive. I like the way you bring this topic up in conversation “enjoy your breath, appreciate your breath, thank your breath”. How difficult it is to be able to let go of this system of things! This system forces us to think that we should be all the same; thoughts, races, ideas, social status. The problem is that the world is stamped, it is diverse. The fact that someone comes out and shows their difference is reason enough to start a war. Everything that we have around us, television, telephone, radio, throw ideas that we propose to imitate in order to achieve everything ...


 China, which after the Tang had broken up into separate kingdoms – the Jin and the Song – was unified politically and administratively by Khubilai Khan, one of Genghis' grandchildren. Thereafter, China was able to maintain its geographic and political integrity despite the succession of dynasties.  Warfare technology and logistics were other factors in the Mongols' superiority. The gunpowder formula was changed to yield explosive force, rather than slow burn as in fire-lances and rockets. Mongol’s success lay in their army. There were organized, discipline and better lead than their opponents.  It brought the major civilizations of Eurasia- Europe, China, and the Islamic world- into far more direct contact that in earlier times.  Mongols never try tried to spread their own faith among subject peoples. Their religion centered on rituals invoking ancestors, which were performed around the family hearth.  They offered women a higher status and gave them fewer rest...


The word Christendom encompasses the Medieval and Renaissance idea of the central place of Christianity in the lives of nations, countries, states, and individuals. The definition of Christendom is a group of people or nations under a Christian set of morals and values. The term Christendom refers to the impact of Christianity on the world. It refers not just to a group of people, but also to territory where Christianity became a vital part of the inhabitants' lives. Christendom in its earlier stages came to refer to Christians united into one body. This unity was very significant because it was a unity of religion, but it was also a political unity creating powerful alliances. Thus the east and west were united in belief in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is a historical term, which designates how Christianity was a unifying force and lent its tenets to be the basis by which nations, countries, and individuals lived during the time of Christendom. It is the time when Ch...

Sarita accepted the challenge!

 “ The first half of the 2 nd millennium AD marked a period of rebirth in China that was just as significant as the Renaissance in Europe.” I know that both China and Europa have had an equally important period of rebirth. What puts Europe at an advantage was that its renaissance spread throughout almost all of Europe which brought changes in ways of thinking. These are two things that did not happen in China.

Chinese Civilization

I found about 13 talking points that explain why the classical period of Chinese civilization might be said to extend all the way from 500BC to 1300AD. 

Is it a time to challenge?

When pain is felt our original being comes out. Have you heard that we all have a wild being inside of us? Like any other kind of animal, when we feel attacked and hurt, it is when we demonstrate that wild part. The Enkidu we all have inside comes out.  Our conformity has taken us where we are today. The desire to fit in the society has made us forget and respect our own way of thinking. Fortunately that has been changing. The fact of revealing ourselves is because we know who we are and what we deserve. We are no longer as lost as before! And we not only see it for the death of George Floyd, but we see it in women who are also asserting themselves. As women, we have fought hard to have an important place in society. And not only in word but in actions. We are reading it in the book! Unfortunately, the actions being taken due to George Floyd's murder are not correct. Then my question would be, what is the correct way to react in such a situation? We are clearly seeing a lot of unio...

I was sad / disappointed / angry to read that...

During the Tang dynasty women had already made some progress. They finally got the freedom to participate in social life, something that did not happen in the past. The book says “paintings and statues show aristocratic women riding horses, with the Queen Mother of the West, a Daoist deity”. Unfortunately later on, during the Song dynasty, the advance made by women was forgotten. During this dynasty women became submissive again. This problem occurred because of rapid economic growth and because some ideas of Confucianism were revived. In addition to being a weak sex, women were seen as a distraction to the male sex. Marrying again was a source of shame for a woman. It was frowned upon for a widowed woman to marry again. One of the ideas that demonstrated the strength of patriarchy during that time was the foot binding. This trend was painful and terrible. Since women had to wrap their feet to the point of allowing their bones to break. Can you imagine how painful it was?  This was...

I found it interesting to read that…

Trade changed people's life in many ways. Consumption was different, exporting began to be a priority, marketing changed.  What trade opened during the ancient times has been fundamental for the development of past cultures, which continues to be valid to this day. Each region in the world offered different products depending on the type of land, climate, technological advances, etc. Southern Arabia and Northern Somalia offered incense and myrrh, China silk, and South East Asia some type of spices. This allowed people to specialized in manufacturing different goods for sale in distant markets instead of using the products only locally. For example, in exchange for gold from their region, West Africans imported scarce salt required for human diets and seasoning food. All this influenced many people to think and work differently than previous.  Trade evolved into a form of social mobility. Long distance trading also enabled privileged classes in society to differentiate themselv...